Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter early....

We got up early this morning and, rather than meet with our usual church family, went to the community sunrise service. It is held at the baseball diamond a block from our house, so we bundled up and walked.

When we left the house, the full moon was still peeking through the trees.
The sun soon began to show signs of itself behind the Grand Mesa.

And when we returned home, we saw that Spring may actually come to us again. Perfect timing for new life!

1 comment:

Tommye McClure Scanlin said...

Beautiful shots, Kathy.
BTW, I saw almost the same image of the moon from our kitchen window the other night! Full moon through branches of our black walnut trees outside.
It makes me happy to think of parallel lives.
Enjoy the spring while it's here--such an elusive season.

Challenge accepted!

This is Ringo T he American Tapestry Alliance hosts an unjuried exhibition every two years, in conjunction with the Handweavers Convergence ...