OK, you ask, why is this not OK, but this ☝is more than OK? Well, I'll tell you. First of all, the snow in the photo above is in the mountains, where snow belongs, and the snow I've been whining about for the past month is here in the desert valley, where snow does NOT belong! Secondly, look at that snow! See the beautiful shadows? There is SUNshine! We have not had sunshine since I-can't-remember-when. Snow with sunshine is glorious. You can sit on the balcony in the sunshine with just a sweater on. You can ski or snowshoe in your wool sweater and a vest, and be very warm. You can play in and enjoy snow when it is where it belongs, and when there is sunshine. The grey sunless snow we have had down here in the valley for the past month and a half has not been playing-in snow. Not even for Booker.

Booker loved the snow at the cabin. He would bounce into it, chasing the scent of an animal track, and would end up almost buried in snow. No matter how deep he dug, there was just more pristine snow - no mud.

See this? I actually cast a shadow! This groundhog hasn't cast a shadow for absolutely ages! (By the way, the extra bulk on that shadow is because of all the layers I had on. Just thought I'd point that out, for the record. It has nothing to do with the chocolate binging I have been doing due to SAD.)

We took our snowshoes up this time, instead of our cross-country skis. Our cabin can only be accessed by climbing up a fairly steep hill that we park at the bottom of, then going down the road a piece, and down another longish drive. This is the first time I've used our new snowshoes, and I really like them! Going uphill is easier on snowshoes than it is on skis! I believe I might be sore in new places tomorrow, though.

But now we are home again. Back to deal with our dining room ceiling, that is now dry. As we drove back into the valley, there was a definite spot where we left the sunshine and descended into the valley's grey inversion-fog. I will miss the sunshine. But it's nice to know that it's just a short drive away.