Friday, March 13, 2015

Working my way towards my work....

I caught Gus in this 'dead to the world' nap pose early this morning. Though the sun was not yet up, I had been up awhile already, making out my various ToDo lists for the day ahead. I have to admit to quite a bit of jealousy on my part: his 'I'm asleep, leave me alone' lifestyle looks pretty good to me right now! But, I have those ToDo lists: as lengthy as Santa's GoodKid lists, I think.

Among the many other things on my lists, I have a new piece of 'organizational' furniture to somehow get into my studio. It is a beautiful antique wardrobe that had belonged to my husband's parents. The idea is that it will take the place of three other pieces of furniture in the studio, freeing up some floor space. So now I have to empty those unwanted (but full) storage pieces and find places for them or get rid of them, and that starts a real falling-dominos effect in the household. Must be done soon, though, as the wardrobe can't sit in the upstairs hallway forever! It also must be done soon so that I can get back to work at the loom. I have a deadline goal of getting the 'July' tapestry off the loom by the end of April, at the very latest.

Another cup of coffee, I think, before I tackle those lists! (Tho' what I really want to do is curl and take a catnap with Gus.) It has been good to visit a minute with you here again....

Sketchbook Selfies

  I completed a sketchbook today, and began a new one. My tradition is to both end and begin a sketchbook with a self portrait. It is my way...