Sunday, December 17, 2017

Have Yourself a Merry Little Celebration!

I have been a busy elf lately: getting ready for both a holiday trip and house guests. But I have taken a few moments most every day to do a small sketch. Since I'm not getting out and about much, I've been using inspiration photos from the Sktchy App, where generous folks post photos for artists to paint and sketch. These are all done in my sketchbooks, so are small; no larger than 4-6 inches on any side. Most are mixed media, as I grab whatever is handy to do the job (colored pencils, watercolor, watercolor pencils or markers, ink, and sometimes gouache, when nothing else works.)

I do not have a tapestry on the loom, so these few daily moments have provided me with the creative work that I am finding is more and more necessary for me to 'keep my cool' in this dark and crazy season, in this ever more dark and crazy world. I hope you, too, have an outlet that keeps you grounded and joyous. And I hope we will all find next year to be a better one. May God Bless us, every one.

Friday, December 1, 2017

December is upon us.....

And I don't even know what to say about that! Except that, as a person very fond of Peace, Quiet, and Tranquility, I am often overwhelmed by the demands of the holiday season.

With Thanksgiving just past, I will post a few things I have created this past month. The sketches are from images shared for artists on the Sktchy App. They are all done with various media (watercolor, colored pencils, ink) in a small Stillman & Birn sketchbook, so are about 4"x6" in size.

The Missing Tooth!

This tiny tapestry was also created from a Sktchy photo, which I chose because it reminded me of my son at that age. It is about 3.5x4" and was woven on a tiny loom, as you can see!

Right now, my work is not so fun. I am needing, and attempting, to rebuild my website, which I lost some time ago when the server it was on chose to no longer supports websites. I can sketch, and I can weave, and I can do a number of other things, but building a website is really not one of my talents! I will, however, let you know when it is up and running. Let's all cross our fingers, and hope that happens before I run out of patience and toss my computer out my second floor office window!

Sketchbook Selfies

  I completed a sketchbook today, and began a new one. My tradition is to both end and begin a sketchbook with a self portrait. It is my way...