Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Where Did My MoJo Go?

It has been hot here.....No, It has been H.O.T! here! We have never had multiple days over 100* in June, but a week ago, we had a full week of days, plus a few more, above 100! It was record breaking heat. I do not like heat like that. To top it off, tourist season has begun here, in spite of the fact that COVID is winning the war here, due to stubborn, misinformed, and selfish people who will not be vaccinated. Yes, I did say that out loud! I am having to be tested twice a week now to continue to be my Dad's caregiver, because the Delta variant has been spreading rampantly through our valley. Our county is one on that 'worst in the country' list. But if you go out in public, almost all people are mask-less (though most people in our area are not vaccinated) and it looks like there never was a pandemic, let alone that it is spreading here. In fact, I assume that if I do see someone with a mask on, they are one of the vaccinated and cautious few, as I am. We have even had a good number of vaccinated people test positive with the Delta variant, and also a few COVID deaths of vaccinated, but high risk, people. So this is all stealing some MoJo from me.

Last week was my Father-in-Law's 100th birthday! We had a small party of vaccinated people here to celebrate: my son, and one of my grandsons, my husband's niece and her husband, and a good family friend.   This is a man who wears 100 well! 

After the birthday folks left, my brother and his wife and their Golden Retriever, Cooper, came to see my Dad for Father's Day. Booker and Cooper get along very well, but the cats were not sure about another big dog that wasn't their brother, Booker. Ringo finally decided to check him out. Of the two cats, he is the smallest but the bravest.

I am participating in the ATA postcard exchange this summer. My 'postcard pal' lives in Great Britain, and I have told her of my affection for her Queen, as the Queen and I share a birthday. I decided to weave a postcard sized tapestry of the Queen to send, and have it almost completed. One of the things that this has, once again, convinced me of is that weaving a tapestry, no matter the size or subject matter, actually renews my 'MoJo!' So as soon as this one is finished, I'm going to be ready to start another.

In the meantime, it is apricot season. We didn't have any last year, due to a late freeze. We had a freeze this year, as well, but just enough of one to thin out the fruit, which is a good thing, occasionally.  I made no jam last year, and need to make some this year. That is on today's agenda... and tomorrow's, and probably the next day as well. This is just the first picked batch.

I hope you are all keeping your MoJo - your creative magic. I am finding it is OK to be somewhat isolated. I am also discovering how uncomfortable I feel among uncaring people. So I will be jamming in my kitchen, and weaving in my studio for the time being! Take care! Of yourself, and of all who are around you.

Watercolor sketchbook sketch

Sketchbook Selfies

  I completed a sketchbook today, and began a new one. My tradition is to both end and begin a sketchbook with a self portrait. It is my way...