Friday, May 26, 2023

Come see us, if you can!

I have a few tapestries ‘out there in the world’ right now, which is a big change from the past few years, when the pandemic made all exhibits online only. This one, “Yin/Yang” is in the 14th American Tapestry Biennial at the Appalachian Center for Crafts in Smithville, Tennessee, May-July of this year.

“The Duet” and “Tapestry Arch” are both in the 2023 Biennial of Textiles exhibit at the Hudgens Center for Art and Learning in Duluth, Georgia, now through July 15th.

This small tapestry, “The Caregiver (selfie#3)” will be in the Handweaver’s Guild of America’s Small Expressions exhibit, July, 2023-June, 2024 at various locations.

Right now, I am weaving daily, attempting to get to the end of a large tapestry that has been on my loom for much too long! I have set myself a deadline of having it off the loom by the end of July, though right now it is not quite at the mid-point. It is a dark and brooding tapestry, conceived during the pandemic and while I was dealing with difficult family times. I need it to be finished, so I can weave something light and cheery!

In the meantime, I am sketching almost daily, and have a few sketches that might become small tapestry ‘sketches.’ 

If you do happen to run across one of my pieces on exhibit, let me know, OK?


Sketchbook Selfies

  I completed a sketchbook today, and began a new one. My tradition is to both end and begin a sketchbook with a self portrait. It is my way...