Tuesday, October 3, 2023

The trip that finally happened!


We finally were able to take the trip to New England that my heart attack at the airport had delayed. Our flight was the same one we had booked before, very early in the morning. I brought a small sketchbook with me, to use as my travel journal, so sketched for a part of the flight, to pass the time. (I am not fond of flying, and having a heart attack at the airport did not improve that.) Our flight agenda took us through Texas, then on to Boston, where our son and puppy, Milly, met us at the airport.


After a great day and a good night's sleep at our son's family's house, we left the next morning to drive to the Berkshires. We stopped along the way in Concord, one of my favorite spots, for coffee and a pumpkin donut, and a bit of a walk-around.


Our next stop was Amherst, which was a bit  out of the way, but I wanted to at least see Emily Dickinson's house, then go to Eric Carle's Museum of Illustration.

Eric Carle's studio makes mine look downright tidy!

I loved seeing the original paintings from some of Eric Carle's children's books, and there was another exhibit there of the  lovely book illustrations by Claire A Nivola, whose work I had never seen, but will be looking for.

We traveled on to our lodging in Lenox, which happened to be right next door to Edith Wharton's home, The Mount, which was on my list to visit. We walked through the beautiful grounds and gardens of both our lodgings and The Mount, then went to find dinner.

That was our first day in The Berkshires, with more to come....


Sketchbook Selfies

  I completed a sketchbook today, and began a new one. My tradition is to both end and begin a sketchbook with a self portrait. It is my way...