Sunday, October 27, 2024

Open Studios Tour: Dining Room


In the dining room I hung Autumn leaning pieces. This Calendar Series tapestry is ‘November.’ It was inspired by a full moon through the trees at our cabin.

Across from ‘November’ on the other side of a wall of windows is ‘March.’ 

Hanging over the coat closet is ‘Aspen Autumn,’ an early tapestry, but still one of my favorites. Next to it is ‘Prairie Polka’ from the Heritage Series.

The lighting in the dining room is difficult, with a wall of windows that have deep eaves over them. On this wall opposite from the windows is the Fall tapestry from the Seasons Series, the September tapestry from the Calendar Series and a tapestry on the right called ‘FALL/ don’t fall.’


The wall above the radiator has ‘The Duet.’

I have never had this many tapestries hung in my home at one time. It is a bit overwhelming, to be honest. Soon I will take most of them back down. And hopefully I will someday find the one whom each tapestry was created for. Could it be you?

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Open Studio Tour: Living Room


 As you enter the front door, there are 3 tapestries in the entry way; the May tapestry from the Calendar Series, the ‘Tapestry Arch’ tapestry, and ‘Hope and Despair.’

Above the sofa are 3 more tapestries (I know! They just keep coming!) The large tapestry is the Summer tapestry from the Four Seasons series. It is ‘Tending Peace’ and includes a number of symbols for peace. The Calendar Series piece to the left is the April piece from that series. Below it is a small tapestry called ‘When She Could Fly.’

Over the living room fireplace and in the nearby corner are tapestries of our pets. ‘Yin/Yang’ is of our 2 cats, the August tapestry is of our dog Booker in the lake, and ‘Wooster’ is in the corner space.

In a somewhat poorly lit corner to the right of the fireplace hangs ‘Barbershop Buzz,’ a Heritage Series tapestry of my Grandfather’s barbershop, which was flattened in 1966 by a tornado.

On the other side of the front window, so also not lit well for photos, is ‘Lust for Life,’ one of several tapestries the were inspired by Van Gogh.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Open Studio Tour: Landing and Stairway

Yes, I even have tapestries in the hallways! As you leave the studio or sitting room, there are tapestries on the landing.

Above the radiator is one of the few walls in the house where I usually do hang a tapestry. For the tour, there are 3 there; ‘Northern Lights,’ and two of the Calendar Series pieces, ‘January’ and ‘February.’ One of our cats, Poe, became obsessed with the bird in the February tapestry, so much so, in fact, that I had to take it down until just before tour time. He was determined to climb up to check it out more closely.

In the corner space is another Calendar Series tapestry, ‘June.’ (Which is the best fishing month at the lakes here.)

As I don’t have much wall space, I hung another large tapestry from the Four Seasons Series over a door. This is the Spring tapestry, ‘A Time to Wait.’ It is my daughter-in-law, when she was expecting our first grandchild.

 I have hung a number of small tapestries going down the stairs. These are all approximately 8x10 inches, framed. Sorry that these photos don’t really showcase the tapestries well. They are mainly to show where things are hung. Most have much better photos on my website.


Saturday, October 12, 2024

Open Studios Tour: the Sitting Room

My sitting room is next to the studio. It is the brightest room in the house, so is where I usually have my morning coffee, write in my journal, catch up with social media, and do a quick sketch.

The French doors lead to a summer sleeping porch. For the studio tour, I’ve hung one of the large Heritage Series tapestries (‘Croquet Coquette’) over the doors. I generally do this in the winter as well, as the sleeping porch is not heated and has a lot of windows.

Above the fireplace is the ‘Graffiti’ tapestry, and the ‘Graffiti Garden’ tapestry is to the left of it.

On the wall behind the sofa is the ‘Winter’ tapestry of the Seasons Series (‘A Peace of Quiet’,) ‘Emergence,’ and ‘December’ from the Calendar Series.


Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Open Studios Tour: the Studio

I was planning to add some videos of my participation in the local Open Studios Tour this coming weekend. However, I can’t seem to get my videos to fit the format here, so I’ll just add photos. I’m starting in the studio, which is probably the last place visitors will be, as my studio is upstairs in my home, and I have work through a good bit of the house, as well as in the studio.

As you go in, there are a few small tapestries hanging together. These are each about 8x10” or less.

The pastel sketch on the easel is a ‘maquette’ or a design for a tapestry. The tapestry itself will be seen in a later post.

Another small tapestry on the end of my yarn shelves.

The bins in these shelves are filled with the Swedish yarn I use in my tapestries, sorted by color families. The upper left shelves also hold my sketchbooks from over the years. Many of my tapestries come directly from my sketches.

I have a number of oil paintings in the studio, and the one here of boats was a maquette for a tapestry. The tapestry itself was stolen from a gallery in North Carolina. If you should ever see the tapestry, please let me know!

This is my work table. It contains the materials I’m using in the tapestry I’m currently working on. There is also a small loom on it now, as I have a small tapestry in progress as well as one on the large loom.

My large loom is a 6-ft wide Shannock loom. It also has a tapestry in progress on it. A tapestry this size will take me several months to weave. I can weave about an inch across the width of the tapestry in approximately 8 hours.

There are a few tapestries behind the loom, including a few from my ‘Selfies’ series, “The Caregiver,” and “Not the Enemy,” and “The Photographer.”

This small work table is where I paint. I got the Unicorn tapestry poster at the Cloisters Museum in New York, and the triangular tapestry hanging from the loom (upper left) is my duplicate of the ornament I was privileged to make for the White House Christmas tree during the Clinton administration.


Sketchbook Selfies

  I completed a sketchbook today, and began a new one. My tradition is to both end and begin a sketchbook with a self portrait. It is my way...