I could also say, "she had forgotten that she could weave!' But, after a long rainy afternoon nap after my house-guests left yesterday, I awoke with the need to put order back into my dis-orderly life, and for me, that means sitting at the loom and weaving. So I am back to the loom this morning, and oh my, how lovely it feels that my fingers remember how to pass the weft through the warp! Not quite like flying, but then, as I said, that is another tale for another time...
p.s. I almost forgot!... I highly recommend that you listen to J.K. Rowling's Harvard commencement address, which is available in 3 parts here. It is quite inspiring.
That's a great image! The background colors really drive the overall fell home.
lovely! i like her wings.
art and text - very nice!
Oh good, I am glad you found the address! I was going to email it to you. I missed it and had to watch it online as well...
all children deserve wings.
thanks for sharing such a beautiful and thought
provoking illustration.
My, you were a darling! I love the art and the text. Wonderful job!
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