We're just back from a very short overnight at our cabin. There was not much snow, but enough to be a real pain when we ended up in a ditch and my dear husband had to dig us out.
Last night the moon was full, and the night was warm enough to wander around a bit outside. I'm sure things have changed there by tonight. Here at home, 5,000 ft. of altitude lower, it's snowing, so I'm sure it's snowing hard up at the cabin. The storm was just blowing in as we left... very blustery.
Isn't the 'luster of mid-day' on the snow at night lovely?
We had to rush home, as the acapella womens' group that I lead was singing at a holiday dinner tonight. They sounded like the beautiful women they are! And I love this photo my husband took of a few of them. They are really into whatever we were singing! This group of women is one of the delights of my life. We have laughed and shared our lives and sung together at least once a week for more than a year now. And we don't sound bad... no produce has been pitched at us yet, at any rate.

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