Tuesday, June 15, 2010

If you keep working, you will get done...

That is my constant mantra these days as I weave. The tapestry is nearing the top, but I swear someone is un-weaving it as I sleep. I take breaks to paint little paintings, and, today and yesterday, to go through photo files to look for more subject matter.

When I am traveling, or even here when I am out with my camera, I see things I am sure will make fantastic paintings or tapestries. But then I go through the photo files and can find nothing that appeals to me. There are some great photos, but they don't seem to need to become anything else. I especially have a lot of florals.... and I don't really like painting flowers. The orchid photo above is one I took at the local botanic garden several years ago. Love the photo, but have no need to paint it or weave it. Not now, at any rate. So today I have nothing I want to paint, after weaving for most of the day. Guess I'll just go back to the loom! After all, 'if I keep working, I will get done....'


Mary said...

Your post makes me think of when I am reading a book I love: I don't want to finish because I love it so, but I am also thinking of what I will read next. It is not the same as you having to think of what to weave next but the feeling of having to find something new that will be as engaging can take away the present enjoyment.

K Spoering said...

Actually, I know what I'm weaving next. It's what I will be painting next that keeps me hoppin'! It's the busy season at the gallery, and I'm just trying to keep up.

Diary of a Frustrated Woman

I recently requested and am now reading this book from the library. I totally love the volume they got me! It has a copyright date of 1931, ...