This is a painting of my grand-daughter that I have been working on for awhile. I finally at least have all of the underpainting covered! I asked my 'critiquers' for some input today, and they both (husband and a friend) said it was 'awfully yellow.' But one suggested I lighten the yellow background,and the other suggested I darken it. I took a photo and made many different adjustments in Photoshop, such as the version below, with a whiter background. I hated any version that darkens the background, but maybe the lighter one helps the figure come forward a bit.

What do you think? Or do you have any other helpful suggestions?
It is 16"x20", oil on canvas.
I like it the way it is! --Ry
this will be even further in the unhelpful arena, but maybe pick up some subtle browns? just to keep it from looking flat.
Hmm, On the lighter version it does bring forth the colored pillows a little better and offer some relief from the yellow, however it also lightens her hair and coloring in general. Is there anyway to just lighten the yellow background (wall) without changing tones on the rest of the picture or not lighten it as much? I love her pose and who doesn't love Miss Spider's Wedding!
I like it the way it is. The yellow background brings warmth to the painting. It also ties in with the yellows in the book and her hair. I wouldn't change it if it were me.
I also like the color as it is, - it gives a happy and glowing feel. Maybe if you try to just even out the color a little, that you would like it better?
I think the painting is very good!
I think sometimes it's best to ignore critics :-) ... Veramudocyg
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