Monday, January 3, 2011

New Technology...

Yesterday I boasted to my husband that this year I was not starting the New Year with a cold, for a change. Last night, my throat started tickling, and the cough began. Hello, winter cold! So today I have been taking it easy, drinking lots of hot water and tea, and learning to use the new toy Santa brought me. I got an iPad, with the hope that it would be a new tool for my design work, both at home, and more especially, when I travel. I have been getting the apps I think I will want to use - Adobe has a nice small version of Photoshop I'm pretty happy with, for instance. And I also have been figuring out how to post both to Facebook and to this blog. So this post is really an experiment. If you are reading it, it must have worked! The photo was also a part of getting the iPad ready. I took the photo of my wilting amaryllis with my camera, and was able to import it directly from the camera into the iPad, with a connector that Santa considerately included. I am pretty impressed with the capabilities of this little thing, and especially love it when something actually does what you want it to do!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


denise/deBRAT said...

sorry you are appearing to get your annual beginning-the-new-year cold :( but i just love the picture of the Amaryllis. Found you through theresa's blog at runamuckweaving. she has good taste in blogs LOL

get well soon!
denise/deBRAT in Tampa Bay Florida well not literally in the bay

Jan said...

iPad, eh? Perhaps we've reached the same conclusion....which electronics do we need? iPod? Laptop? eBook reader? I've finally decided we need ALL of them! I got a Kindle for Christmas, and am having fun downloading the free classics so I'll never run out of books when I'm traveling. It's not an either/or, of course I'll still read paper books, but now I can read Kindle books too.

K Spoering said...

Yes, I'm enjoying reading books on the iPad, too. I have a number of the classics on it. Am enjoying a Willa Cather book on it currently.

Diary of a Frustrated Woman

I recently requested and am now reading this book from the library. I totally love the volume they got me! It has a copyright date of 1931, ...