Monday, July 18, 2011

The merry month (tapestry) of May...

In a few minutes I will be cutting this tapestry from the loom. It is the "May" tapestry in the calendar series. I had really planned to have a formal cutting off for this tapestry, but things are a bit unsettled around here, family-wise, so I'll just have a solitary event.

The tapestry was inspired by this little oil painting I did. I have always liked it, so decided to base one of the calendar tapestries on it. I cropped it to square, as the format for all of these pieces is 18"x18". Then, based on an obsession I was having at the time with cows, I added the cows from this photo I had taken from the train last spring.

This tapestry isn't as 'fussy' as the other calendar pieces are. If - or hopefully, when - they all hang together, this piece will provide a tranquil place for the viewers to rest their eyes. And I do think of May as a tranquil month, between Nature's busy changes in March and April and the heat of the summer.

As a side note, the "March" tapestry can be seen in the Fiber Celebration exhibit in Fort Collins, CO through the summer, and the "August" tapestry will be on exhibit in the Fiber Celebrated exhibit in Durango, CO opening this coming weekend. If you get to see either of them, please leave a comment to let me know!


Tommye McClure Scanlin said...

Beautiful! I love the way you've used both images, the painting and the photo in a unified way. Congratulations, Kathy!

Jan said...

Always so nice to finish something. This one is really lovely, I love the cows! They really add movement.

Do you have the first 5 months of the year now? I'd love to see them together! I think I remember January, February and March....? Or are you hopping around in different seasons?

K Spoering said...

Thanks, Tommye and Jan. I have January, February, March, May, August, and September done. Wow! I just realized I'm halfway there now!
I have June and October designed in my head, and bits have come out in sketches for them. And I have my eyes open and my ever-ready camera aimed at July for a few more weeks, but don't have anything that makes me want to weave it yet.

Mary said...

Congratulations! It is not entirely solitary - we are happy for you.

Julia Kelly said...

Wonderful! Its a view every time I drive through Colorado -love it!

annmarie said...

what a beautiful piece! the peacefulness of both images, the photo and the painting, come together so well in your weaving.

Sketchbook Selfies

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