Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Open Studio Tour, and other distractions....

Am I weaving? No, I am not. I agreed to do the fall Open Studios Tour, which will be this coming Saturday and Sunday. So I have been getting ready for that.

That means I have been hauling out all 'extraneous stuff' from the studio. Aww, come on! Don't tell me you weren't aware that artist's studios seem to FILL with extraneous stuff? Have you ever looked at those Studio magazines? I think they are hilarious! The studios are filled with so much stuff, no artist could actually live long enough to use it all!

Unfortunately, my studio is no exception. Except it is smaller than the studios in those magazines, so while I may not have accumulated quite as much stuff as those artists have, it can tend to look like more.

So, I've been clearing out the stuff, and have also been sticking paintings and tapestries in every cleared space.

I guess the studio is ready. My studio is upstairs, so for the rest of the week, I'll be cleaning the entry way, the living room, and the stairwell, and will be putting as much art in those areas as can fit. I may even borrow a few more easels and set some artwork out on the porch.

Then I will weave on the tour days, in between chatting up visitors.

All this is necessary because artists have to be our own promoters, as well as being our own business managers. The 'business-manager-me' told the 'promoter-me' to agree to this tour, and the 'artist-me' didn't get very far in her whining protests against it.

At the same time, I'm getting ready for a trip to New England next week, so the house is also being readied for house/pet sitters, and I'm trying to figure out what we'll need to pack to take there. I am hoping to paint while there. Or at least sketch a bit with my grandchildren, and take thousands of photos.

Then, I swear on my basket of bobbins that I will have uninterrupted weaving time through the rest of the fall and into the long dark weaving-time of winter.

If you are in this area, and are interested in going on the tour, you can download a map here. Come on over and say 'Hey!'


Debbie Herd said...

Kathy, so lovely to see your studio. Good luck with your open day, Debbie.

Tommye McClure Scanlin said...

Kathy! I love your studio... I'd posted my slide show of my studio this morning before I visited your blog... yet another instance of how our mind's seem to work in sync! I hope the tour was worth it for you. Our house tour came off... thank goodness. There were maybe 60 +/- people who came over to the studio... from the 250 or so who were at our house. Everyone seemed to have a good time and we've got an organized living and working space (for a few days, at least).

Happy trip to you!

Sketchbook Selfies

  I completed a sketchbook today, and began a new one. My tradition is to both end and begin a sketchbook with a self portrait. It is my way...