Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Here's Grace....

"Grace" is ready to go! She has been blocked and lined. I love to use a 'surprise' fabric to line these small pieces. Not because they will be seen by anyone but the exhibit hanger (and later on, my students), but I remember how lovely it was to see what tapestries had on the back; some showing just an extra bit of care that said to me that the artist valued their own work.

Right now, the cat has a small blue star charm for his tag. I'm not sure I like it, though, so it may change to something else, if I can find just the right charm. For some reason, I envision a small gold heart, but have not yet found one the right size.

"Grace" is just 8"x10". She was woven at a sett of about 10epi on a small Mirrix loom. "Grace" began her existence as a small painting, which I posted here. I never framed or showed the painting anywhere but on this blog, as I knew from the time she made her appearance that I wanted to weave her.

"Grace" will be in the Pacific Portals 2012 exhibit; an American Tapestry Alliance small format exhibit which will be at the Long Beach, CA Public Library gallery between July 7 – August 30, 2012, in conjunction with Convergence 2012. As an aside, I will be teaching at Convergence, and I hope to get to see a few of you there! If you go, say hello to "Grace!"


Michelle said...

Awww, she's very cute! :)

Merna said...

Cute, indeed! As one of the Pacific Portals hangers, I'm looking forward to seeing her lining too. TIA.

K Spoering said...

Thanks, Michelle and Merna. Merna, you'll have fun hanging the exhibit. I've always learned a lot when I've done that, too.

Karen said...

Grace is welcomed to Pacific Portals by yet another, co-chair. I too look forward to seeing her 'back.'

Julia Kelly said...

Really nice little tapestry! Have a good time at Convergence!

Ann said...

Wonderful! And the birds are saved by Grace.

Diary of a Frustrated Woman

I recently requested and am now reading this book from the library. I totally love the volume they got me! It has a copyright date of 1931, ...