Monday, March 12, 2012

Must stop for a bit....

As promised, here are photos of the progress on the two Nativity tapestries. The right side tapestry has the fox done, and I have been weaving the shepherd's clothing folds and a nearby sheep. On the left side, I am still doing fabric folds, but have also put a sleeve and a hand in, and have begun the background which includes a couple of the many lilies that will surround the female figure.

Including the lower borders, I believe I am at about the halfway point on the two pieces. Unfortunately, (as I was really in a rare weaving form) I will be taking a bit of a break to go visit my parents for a week and a half. I just am hoping the passion to work returns when I get home. Spring is appearing rapidly here, and yard and garden work will steal some of my work time soon. I am very fortunate that those I am weaving this commission for are patient... more patient than I am!


Suzy B said...

I am enjoying very much following your progress on these tapestries. Thanks for keeping us updated!
...and that is the sweetest fox. :)

Mary said...

I LOVE the fox! He is so cute, not like the reality. At least spring will mean longer daylight, maybe that will help with the work.

Anonymous said...

Your fox is beautiful! I like it very much too.
Sometimes having a break actually helps to come back with more determination to continue the work.
I think as far as the garden goes I need a stop watch. I tend to loose track of time totally.
Look forward to your next update!!

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I recently requested and am now reading this book from the library. I totally love the volume they got me! It has a copyright date of 1931, ...