Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Now I have remembered...

...what for a moment I had forgotten. When I teach, one of the things I emphasize to my students is that they design tapestries of things they love. A tapestry is too labor and time intensive to create images that you are ambivalent about.


In my last post, I had thought to work out a tapestry design for the October tapestry from a place that is not home to me; an image that I find beautiful, but have no emotional attachment to. Then, over the weekend we traveled over the mountains to see my son's family. Although the aspens are mostly bare, the later cottonwoods along the river valley were taking their place in showing Colorado gold. The grey skies and majestic clouds only emphasized the golden glory, and it reminded me that I love October in Colorado. So I have been working on a new design for my next Calendar tapestry. I think about it and work on it in my mind as I sew slits. And sew slits. And sew more slits, on the Nativity tapestries.

In addition to loving the Colorado fall scenery, I got to spend some time with a couple of precious grandchildren, and my son and his lovely wife for a few days. (I even roller skated a tiny bit, without breaking or spraining any body parts, though my grandson informed me that I do not fall correctly.)


And, seeming quite out of their proper element, we saw cormorants in Denver's City Park! Evidently a flock lives in a pond near the zoo there. They and the park geese were quite unconcerned with our presence. A cormorant away from the ocean... that is what I would be like if I were to weave a design for the month of October that did not reflect my love for my favorite month in the Colorado Rockies.

"It is not how much we do, but how much love we put into doing." Mother Teresa


Mary said...

I love your first photo! But I can't imagine trying to weave it. I feel for you with the sewing of slits. Take care.

Julia Kelly said...


K Spoering said...

None of these photos are in the running to be woven - not as yet anyway. They're just photos I shot on our trip over the weekend. I have always wanted to weave clouds, though....

Tommye McClure Scanlin said...

I know what you're talking about with connection to image... I very much have the same feeling. Your photo from Maine, by the way, looks so much like a view I'd see in north Georgia! Your Colorado view is unfamiliar to me--beautiful, yet I don't know how I would connect emotionally and psychically (is that a word?) to the unfamiliar landscape when developing a design.

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