Friday, November 16, 2012

Ready, set, but not quite a GO yet...

Loom warped: check  ✔

Yarn stash sorted for the yarns for the next tapestry:  check  ✔


 Needed yarn ordered and arrived in the mail: check  ✔

Maquette ready and cartoon drawn up to size (only a portion shows in photo): check  ✔

Can you tell by the yarn colors that the next tapestry will be the October one of the calendar series? The colors are truly beautiful, and they look like my favorite time of year. So I'm ready to begin, but the start will be delayed a few weeks as I go to spend some time with my parents in sunny(?) California.  (The question mark is because I have seen the forecast for the next week for northern California, and also because the last few times I've been there, it has rained the entire time I was there!)  Sooooo;
Suitcase packed: check  ✔
Umbrella and rain jacket in:  check  ✔
Knitting, sketching, and photography stuff in:  check  ✔

And I'll let you know when I start using those yummy yarns!

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