Tuesday, April 30, 2013

At Weft Speed, (which is NOT the same as Warp Speed)....

I AM making some progress in the studio, but it is not fast progress. Of course, tapestry progress is never fast progress, but I am progressing more slowly than usual lately. I don't know if it is allergies or something else, but my eyes have been giving me a real spot of trouble this past few months. They are red and ugly, and I have trouble seeing clearly much of the time. I have used a number of 'solutions' on them, from antihistamine drops to antibiotic drops. but they haven't yet solved the trouble! I'll see the doctor again early next week, and am hoping this time will fix it! 

In the meantime, I am weaving when I can on the October tapestry, and am about 6 inches from the top. Seeing the top is always an inspirational prod to me, so maybe this next six inches will progress more quickly than the last six inches have.


Across the studio, I also made a bit of progress on the daffodil painting, blocking in about half of the large flowers. I haven't worked much on the painting, but hope to work some more at the weekend, or maybe even when I have my palette out of the freezer tomorrow for the portrait session at the Art Center. No rush on this one, though. I just want to hang it somewhere where some bright color is needed in my dark house for the summer.

A storm seems to be headed our way this afternoon, as Booker is insisting that he needs to be in the studio with me. He only does that when it is thundering (or is going to maybe thunder) and he always seems to know a few hours before the storm hits. We'll see if he's right this time. He usually is.... I do not really like him to be in the studio, but I allow it on occasion.  

Back to the studio with my big chicken of a dog!


Anonymous said...

I have been doing some oil painting and tapestry at the same time. I am glad to see I am not the only one who moves back an forth between disciplines! Sometimes it is mind bending but I love doing both so much that I am not willing to give one up.

Love your tapestries and paintings!

Mary said...

I have just visited Deb Herd's blog and she has a link to a video of Archie Brennan. He makes some interesting observations about the slowness of tapestry weaving and how it can relate to life. I found it helped explain tapestry's attraction for me when I have not had an art background and not usually a very patient person in terms of art. I hope you get the eye problem solved, it is really tiring not being able to see properly.

K Spoering said...

I saw the first of those videos on Deb's blog, too. I'm saving the others to watch when I have some 'down time' so I can enjoy them.
My eyes are much better. I had an infection, and it is healing, thankfully!

Sketchbook Selfies

  I completed a sketchbook today, and began a new one. My tradition is to both end and begin a sketchbook with a self portrait. It is my way...