Monday, December 9, 2013

My Song about the Moon...

"Moon Madness"  by Andrew Wyeth
I truly do become obsessed with things... I especially become obsessed with what I am weaving, and NOT being able to work on it creates  an obsession that is like an ache. My tapestry is LOUDLY calling to me to come to work. I think of it every night when I look out at the winter-rimmed moon. I post moon art on Pinterest, like the magical Wyeth painting above. I hear the tapestry singing in my head, and it is singing Paul Simon's "Song about the Moon:"

...If you want to write a song about the heart
Think about the moon before you start
Because the heart will howl
Like a dog in the moonlight...
...If you want to write a song about
The human race
Write a song about the moon
If you want to write a song about the moon
You want to write a spiritual tune
Then do it
Write a song about the moon.

I have been gone for a bit over a week, then busy with the weekend, which involves some time-consuming events for me every week. Now I realize it is  December 9th and two of my precious grandchildren have birthdays, and we all have Christmas before the end of the month! And I have done quite close to NOTHING to get ready for those things, and all the activities they include.

I am always a holiday foot-dragger and procrastinator, but this year, with it's seemingly shortened calendar, has really accentuated my reluctance to delve into shopping and decorating. I am very involved in my church's music, and am enjoying that, but it has been eating a lot of my time, as well.

So the dialogue in my head is much like this:

Me: I MUST shop today, or at least get a reasonable list made!
Tapestry:  Come weave me.
Me: No, I have unpacking and trip laundry to do.
Tapestry:  Come weave me. At least finish my moon.
Me: No. I need to throw something in the crock pot for dinner and plan next Sunday's church music before this afternoon's practice.
Tapestry:  Come weave me. At least finish my moon. It will not take long.
Me: No. I have a couple of things I need to finish making for the kid's birthdays.
Tapestry:  Come weave me. At least finish my moon. It will not take long. And you will be happier and more productive if you weave first.
Me: No. I have to clean the house so we can put up the tree.
Tapestry:  Come weave me. At least finish my moon. It will not take long. And you will be happier and more productive if you weave first. Would you really rather do those things?
Me: No. I would not rather do those things.
Tapestry: Then come weave me.

If I want to weave a spiritual tune, I will go weave my 'song' about the moon. I'll let you know who wins the argument.....


Crystal said...

I have many distractions to doing what I love to do too, and many times what I love to do wins out . . . I have the same lists as you! By the way, GREAT JOB with the ACC choir yesterday!!! You guys sounded GREAT! Just sorry I will miss your performances this coming weekend!

Debbie said...

I think the weaving may win. I love Andrew Wyeth's work.

Unknown said...

Your song reminds me of my song but yours is more eloquent. Mine can be a bit of a nag!

Rebecca Mezoff said...

I vote for the moon.

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