Thursday, January 9, 2014

TIme passes... but Not Slowly!

Bob Dylan wrote a great song that says, "Time passes slowly up here in the mountains..." Sadly, he was wrong. It passes much too quickly, and I frequently feel out of control of the speed of it.

I have not progressed much on my "November" tapestry - the one I was determined to finish before the end of the year. Time has passed much too quickly, and I have lost my (perceived) control over it. I did used to be more productive, but now I scramble to catch up, and can't seem to do it.

Yesterday, I entered the ATA small format unjuried exhibit. I missed having a piece in the first of these exhibits, but have had one in every one since then. The finished tapestry is due March 31st. I entered because I just refuse to admit that I can't get a small piece done before then. So, after entering, I began warping my small loom. And this morning I am trying to make a definite choice as to what I will weave. I have four designs before me that will fit the title I've entered: the first would be beautiful, but the weaving tedious and very fiddley and slow. The second would weave more quickly and would be nice, but somewhat trite in subject matter, I think. It does not excite me. The third design is fun and quirky. I like fun and quirky. The fourth design is also fun, and I like it. In fact, the resulting tapestry would be one I would keep for myself. It is also not as fiddley as the first two designs, or even the third. So... I'm pretty sure #4 will be it. But... I don't ever order new yarn for these small tapestries, and usually even scrounge through my thrum basket for weft. I think I'll find what I need there. If so, I will try to begin weaving today.

I also have a local exhibit coming up in which I usually enter a painting or two. I do not have any new paintings to enter. Yesterday morning, I worked on a partially completed piece, and I think it may be done. But it does not excite me. Of course, new work does not always immediately excite me, as I've been too close to it. So I've set it aside to mull over a bit, before I do it any damage. I tried to get a good photo of it, but I still have not mastered the use of my new camera, and I just can't seem to get good inside photos with it.

I need to recapture my work time. I have let it go to other things; things that I enjoy but do not feel I want to give up my work for. So, my 'new year's resolution' is to take back my work time! Good luck to me with that, and to all of you who have made similar resolutions. My work slows time down for me. Maybe that was true for Bob Dylan, as well. On to the studio to recapture some of that slow mountain time!


Unknown said...

I love your candor on this last post. I am on my fourth small tapestry project and am stuck as to what to do next. There are so many techniques I need to get under my belt
but have no time to explore. Working 44 hours a week tends to be a bit draining. I end up day dreaming or doing small sketches on scraps of paper scattered all over.

Take heart, creative people do struggle sometimes but it usually turns out the way it is supposed to be.

Linda Dorsey

Julia Kelly said...

Same boat as you, need to reclaim and expand work time....good luck to both of us in 2014

K Spoering said...

Julia and Linda, it's good to know there are others going through the same struggles! I have been getting some work done, but have also been frustrated to watch others be so much more efficient than I am now.

I guess we just all need to do what we can, and celebrate our small advances, when we make them!

Keep at it, and I will, as well.

Sketchbook Selfies

  I completed a sketchbook today, and began a new one. My tradition is to both end and begin a sketchbook with a self portrait. It is my way...