Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Home.... and away....

I am home from spending some time with my parents in California, where it was sunshiny and warm. It turns out that it was also (and finally) sunshiny and warm here in Colorado while I was gone, and I returned home to find our over-long ground cover of snow all gone! Signs of spring are cropping up everywhere; my bulbs are up, though they are still just the leaves, with no blooms as yet. It won't be long, though! I am finally believing this loooooong hard winter will end, and spring will truly arrive again. Yes, I am quite ready to believe that!

While I was in California, my daughter-in-law and two of my grandchildren were in Florida at Disney World. While there, they found my tapestry! This is the tapestry commission I wove for the Disney Wilderness Lodge in 2000. I am thrilled to see it still hanging, and still looking great, 14 years later! I posted a bit more about the weaving of this tapestry here.

Yesterday I had to refill the house on groceries, and it was Monday (music practice day) so I got little else done. This morning, I did my taxes, as they are due to be at the accountant on Thursday. So now I have cleared my calendar so that I can get back into the studio for the rest of the week and weave! I will finish the small tapestry and post a photo by the end of the week (I promise) - because the actual tapestry itself is due by the end of the month! That kind of deadline works for me. Then back to the big loom. I have been missing my work and my studio. Seeing one of my tapestries in it's 'home' is a real motivator for me, too.

One of my friends said he was glad I was home so things could get 'back to normal.' I am a huge fan of 'normal,' wherever and whatever that may be.


tommye said...

So nice to see your tapestry in place and being loved at Disney! I enjoyed reading the back story, also... thanks for providing a link to that.

Happy time back at home and in the studio! Those bulbs will be bursting open soon.

Merna said...

That's lovely, Kathy. How nice for your family to see your tapestry in place. Isn't it wonderful that it's still hanging in its intended spot, a nice compliment to you.

Diary of a Frustrated Woman

I recently requested and am now reading this book from the library. I totally love the volume they got me! It has a copyright date of 1931, ...