Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Home from Wonderland.....

I have still never really made it to Wonderland, I just love that it is a destination!

I spent all of last week, plus the weekend before that, at my son's home in the Boston area. My grandchildren there were on their spring break, so I went to have some 'grandma time' with them. One of the things all of my grandchildren know about me, and, thankfully still seem to enjoy, is that when we are together, we will 'do art.'

We sketched and painted in a coffee shop.

We drew, sketched, painted, and colored at home...

...and at the children's Museum.

We walked long distances, always ready for surprises, like seeing a turkey waddling his way down busy Mass Ave in Cambridge!

And I took lots of photos, some of which I may find paintings in, like this peaceful, zen-like scene.

I am home now, and am eager to be an artist again. The pantry and refrigerator are re-stocked; my jet lag is finally gone; and I am ready to go to the studio and work. Yes, I am!

And maybe that is where I will find Wonderland.

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Diary of a Frustrated Woman

I recently requested and am now reading this book from the library. I totally love the volume they got me! It has a copyright date of 1931, ...