Saturday, December 5, 2015

There, and back again....

For the Thanksgiving holiday, my husband and I drove from our home in western Colorado, through the western states of Utah and Idaho, up to the very most northern part of Montana to my brother's home, where my father had been visiting. We started our long winter road trip early enough to see a beautiful sunrise. (Disclaimer here: all these photos were taken from the inside of a moving truck. Also, I have not altered them, except to crop the size of a few of them.)

As the sun came up, the landscape became very monochromatic. The sky and the land and the reflected sky in the snow all blended together.

Then the clouds became ominous, and, as we were in Big Sky Country, we could watch it move across the landscape.

Very little to see, but land and sky. At one point, I became dismayed at the lack of coffee places, but we finally found one (just before final meltdown.)

The time there was a wonderful family time, with four generations present, from my father, down to my youngest great-nephew; a span of 91 years difference.

From my brother's huge windows, we watched a resident eagle, a huge gaggle of geese, and the comings and going of a gang of turkeys and many deer, all seeming to peacefully coexist.

The moon was full, and the nights were cold.

All too soon, we started back home, with my Dad along. Again, the sun rose beautifully in Idaho!

And the sun continued to attempt to burn through the fog of the frigid morning; with temps well below zero!

When it finally came out, we were back in the monochrome winter landscape. And, after the long journey, we were Home.

We live in a Beautiful world. There is Good here. Sometimes, that is not an easy thing to remember. Sitting next to a good man for two days, then two good men for two more, in the cab of a pickup, moving through scene after scene that takes my breath away is a reminder to me to not believe that the world shown in the news is all the world we have. We have so much more. And for that, I am truly Thankful.

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Diary of a Frustrated Woman

I recently requested and am now reading this book from the library. I totally love the volume they got me! It has a copyright date of 1931, ...