Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Foggy Day, Foggy Mind....

I have been in a bit of a creative 'fog' lately, so I decided to do something about it. What I ended up doing was to sign up for the 'Expressing' klass online at Sketchbook Skool. I've been seeing some great sketches on Facebook for awhile from people taking these kourses  (sorry - they kind of hook you into that use of 'k'.) So I figured that, if I pay to learn something, I will at least follow along and DO IT.
The first week, the lessons have been about lettering. So I have done these pages in my sketchbook.

Obviously, I am still thinking of (and weaving a bit of) the Amaryllis tapestry on my loom, but this is the second of this winter's amaryllises (amarylli?) in my kitchen window from before the holidays, finally in bloom! I decided to sketch it in acrylic, which I now somewhat regret. I wish I'd just stuck to watercolor, and left the background white. Live and learn.... that's what it's all about anyway, isn't it? I am a bit pleased that I captured the transparency of the bloom, although I was using an opaque medium.

And we really needed that bright bloom this morning! A beautiful fog socked us in for the morning. I got out and walked to the city park, just a block away, to take some pictures. Those of you who live in fog all the time may not be impressed, but this kind of pea-soup fog is a lovely rarity here!

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Diary of a Frustrated Woman

I recently requested and am now reading this book from the library. I totally love the volume they got me! It has a copyright date of 1931, ...