Friday, October 21, 2016

Calendar Tapestries Open House

Welcome to my Open House/Studio! Well, it actually was a few days ago, and it was a wonderful success! I had a lovely crowd here! I tried to do a video of the tapestries all hanging in my home to share here, but I just can't get a decent one! Part of the reason is my lack of videography skills, and the other part is that I live in an old Arts and Crafts home, with lots of windows, but they all have deep eaves, so interior lighting is lovely, but difficult to capture in a photograph (to say the least.) I will do a video of all the Calendar Series tapestries when they are on exhibit in a well-lit gallery setting. (Or, more likely, I will have someone more skilled do one for me.)

Anyway, here's a bit of a tour! As you walk in, you first see the "July" tapestry, of my granddaughter, in the entryway.

Hanging in the living room were the Summer and Spring tapestries, plus the two appropriate larger tapestries from the Four Seasons Series. Above the old sofa is the "Summer" tapestry, and the "June" and "August" tapestries.

Above the fireplace are the "March," "April," and "May" tapestries form the Calendar Series. I just couldn't get a decent photo of the "Spring" tapestry, as it was always a bit backlit, where it was hanging.

In the dining room, I hung the winter and fall tapestries. In this photo, you can see the "January" and "February" tapestries, then the large "Winter" tapestry, the "December" tapestry, and the "November" tapestry, which doesn't show up well here, so I've added a closer shot of it below.

The "September" and "October" tapestries were both side-lit, but I have very little wall space, so I had to hang them where I could! They were really both lovely in their spaces, just hard to photograph well.

The "Fall" tapestry hung in the spot in the dining room that I always save for the appropriate Seasons Series tapestry. I almost feel like that one wall was just made for such a tapestry to hang there!

This week I will be taking all the tapestries down off my walls and packing them to take to Kansas, where they will be on exhibit in the NOTO Art Center, in Topeka through the months of November and December. They will be in an invitational traveling exhibit called "Time Warp... and Weft" with the beautiful works of Tommye Scanlin, Janet Austin, Janette Meetze, and Geri Forker. This will coincide with the ATB11 exhibit, in the Mulvane Gallery in Topeka, so if you go see ATB11, be sure to get over to our exhibit, as well! The exhibit will then be in Athens, GA for the summer months. I'm excited!


Molly Elkind said...

These are absolutely gorgeous, Kathy. So nice to see them in your beautiful home setting. What an accomplishment! I am looking forward to seeing them when they travel to Athens, GA.

Trish White said...

Oh, Kathy. They are just wonderful! And how nice to see them in your home - part of your life as they have been part of it for so many years. Well done! Trish

Carol said...

Kathy, your work is phenomenal, I am struck first by your work ethic! It is amazing. I remember when this series began. But to see them all together, hung. They are beautiful. It will be spectacular exhibit and I wish it were heading to New England!

K Spoering said...

Thank you, Molly, Trish, and Carol! And, Carol, we would love for the exhibit to come to New England! If you know of a venue that might be interested, let us know!

Barbara Burns said...

Kathy what a beautiful series! I particularly like the Four Seasons and the way you worked the borders. Well done!

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