Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Another Week in This Crazy World...

Sometimes, I think the thing to do is to ignore the crazy, and just escape...

...escape into my cozy home with my sketchbook and crayons and a cup of hot tea. 

But then the crazy just gets too crazy too ignore...

.... and I have to put on my 'spice' and send emails and letters to make my voice heard.

 Some will listen, some will not, but I still have to do my part.

There is at least one place in this crazy world where I know I'll find peace. Trespassers are not allowed in my studio... not in my space, and not in my head.


Mary said...

It is good to see the tapestry progressing!
As I sit here on the other side of the world and read about the new President of the USA, I wonder how it is for the people in the country. For us it is a bit of a show - actually, it is probably taking us away from our own politicians and their less than admirable doings. I hope things settle down and the country can run in a normal, humane way. One can hope!

K Spoering said...

It is very frustrating here, Mary! And we do not see things settling down for quite some time, sadly. So we will do what we can, and perhaps it is times like this when creative people get really creative! I'm hoping there will be some benefit from it all, at least.

Diary of a Frustrated Woman

I recently requested and am now reading this book from the library. I totally love the volume they got me! It has a copyright date of 1931, ...