Wednesday, May 2, 2018

More Pages from My Sketchbook....

I have still been doing occasional sketches, though I've been having trouble keeping up a daily routine. Several of the sketches are ending up in my Etsy shop, as prints. When I update the shop next week, there will be more, and a few originals. But I have been very busy otherwise lately. When I get too busy to sketch, and  also and especially when I'm too busy to weave, I get very fussy. So, in addition to being busy, you can know I've been a bit grumpy.

I do have a small tapestry floating around in my brain, wanting to get onto the loom. But it will have to wait a short while. Maybe next week, though! I can always look forward to next week.

Otherwise in my life: the flowering crab is in full bloom, as are the lilacs and my bleeding heart (which makes me happy, as I wasn't sure it would survive our dry winter.) The western screech owls in the box in our tree have hatched five owlets! We are very excited about that! We are taking a short weekend trip to the Grand Canyon, which we've never seen. I hope to overcome my fear of heights enough to do some sketching there.

Stay creative! It keeps us happy....... In the meantime, here are a couple of photos from the Owl cam in the owl box.

5 huddled baby owls

Mama sits on them to keep them warm

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Diary of a Frustrated Woman

I recently requested and am now reading this book from the library. I totally love the volume they got me! It has a copyright date of 1931, ...