Friday, December 7, 2018

Advent - tures!

From my sketchbook

As the holidays approached, my daughter-in-law sent me a beautiful advent calendar! I decorated my sitting room mantle around it, so I could look at it when I sit in there with my morning coffee.

As I opened the little window for the first day of December and saw the adorable little snowman, I thought how fun it would be to sketch him in my sketch journal, then add things inspired by what was revealed each day to fill out the page.

 On day 2, a dachshund was in the window, and a fox, on day 3.

Words from Dave Carter's song "Go Tell theFox"

A little mouse appeared on Day 4 (the one in the lower corner,) and Gus joined the calendar cat on day 5.


A mole was in the corner of the calendar on day 6, so I put him in the corner of my advent sketch page.  And today, day 7, there is an owl, flying through the night sky.

I don't know that I set out committing myself to do daily advent sketches, but I am finding that I look forward each morning to seeing what is behind the little window on my Advent Calendar, and filling a sketch journal page with things that it inspires. I don't spend a great deal of time on these pages, usually about a half hour, though sometimes time gets lost and my coffee gets cold!

I have been posting the sketches daily on Instagram, and will post them each week through the advent season here on the blog. In the meantime, I hope the holiday season is finding you with creative inspiration and joy, as well!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi! I am a beginner tapestry weaver in Fruita, and a friend told me about you! :) it took me a while looking for you but I finally found your blog! I was wondering if you were at all interested in mentoring, instruction, or just grabbing some coffee and talking tapestry? Shoot me an email and we can chat:)

Sketchbook Selfies

  I completed a sketchbook today, and began a new one. My tradition is to both end and begin a sketchbook with a self portrait. It is my way...