Friday, May 17, 2019

On Exhibit....

Opening tonight, I have a small tapestry in this exhibit in Arlington, MA.

In a few weeks, we will go to the Fiberart International opening weekend in Pittsburg, where my "Graffiti" tapestry will be on exhibit in the Contemporary Craft gallery.

I just got a tapestry back home from an exhibit in Rhode Island, which I didn't get to attend.  And I also got notification that another small tapestry was accepted into the Amuse Yeux all media small piece exhibit, at the Foothills Art Center in Golden, Colorado. It opens June 6th, and runs through the first of September.

I have not had this many pieces coming and going to exhibits for several years. It is not because my work was not accepted; it is because I've not been getting to create much work to even enter for the past few years. 'Back in the day' when I was really a working artist, I had to keep a separate calendar for my exhibit schedule, with exhibits color coded, and tapestries going and coming carefully recorded and documented. That was a lot of busy work to keep up with, in addition to the designing and weaving of 3-5 large tapestries per year. I loved it. All of it. And I miss it, so this little dip back into the art world has made me pretty happy. I want... no, I intend to keep it up as long as I can.

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Sketchbook Selfies

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