Thursday, July 4, 2019

Graffiti Garden, from the very start....

I have had a new tapestry design working it's way out of my head for awhile. In the process of making it visible, it has gone though a number of changes, not only in how it will look, but in the concept itself. The image that finally made it's way visible started with the pastel sketch above. It will resemble the sketch, but even that has undergone a number of changes. It seemed a good starting point to share, however.

After working on the design, I needed to warp the loom. The photos above represent three days of work this week; sleying the warp threads, tying them on and tensioning them, and weaving a header (to evenly spread the warp threads) and a hem.

Yesterday, I enlarged the cartoon. So today, I am ready to begin. Beginning is always a daunting thing for me. Once I begin, I'm fine. I realize then that I know what I'm doing: the hands know how to pass the weft through the warp, the eyes know how to choose colors. But until I actually get to that point, I wonder how on earth the design I've imagined will become a real thing: a tapestry.

I am planning to post updates on my progress (which will be slow) weekly. My goal is to weave a couple of inches/week. Believe it or not, for this design, that is a very challenging goal! I am determined to reclaim Studio Tuesdays as total work days, so that should help, barring complications and interruptions in my personal life (always ongoing...)

In the meantime, I'll share a page from my sketchbook of one of my favorite summer pastimes!


old nancy said...

i/old nancy was absolutely delighted to see your note and something on the too too quiret tapestry list.
i enjoy your notes when you share them sooooo much that i am not intimidated by your sketches. drawing is not a talent i was assigned to at birth and i am always very wishful looking at those from you.
thank you!!!! i needed a note of hope on this 4th.....
/s/ nancy biggins

K Spoering said...

Thank you, ‘old nancy!’ I know what you mean about needing hope! Escaping all the news to weave helps me tremendously! Old Kathy

Rebecca Mezoff said...

This looks exciting! I can't wait to see this tapestry develop. I love the sketch!

Terri Bryson said...

Such a wonderful sketch book page! Looking forward to your weekly posts about your tapestry. Beginning is a daunting task.

K Spoering said...

Thanks Rebecca and Terri. I am also looking forward to seeing it progress! Beginning is always the hardest thing for me... every day! ( And the sketchbook can be such a handy procrastination tool. )

Sketchbook Selfies

  I completed a sketchbook today, and began a new one. My tradition is to both end and begin a sketchbook with a self portrait. It is my way...