Friday, November 22, 2019

A Small tapestry is Woven....

Starting a new little tapestry, in my PJ's with my morning cup of coffee. It is on the little modified Hockett-style loom my husband made me, and the tapestry will be about 5x7inches.

In the area where the face is to be, I double warped the loom, and you can see here where I began weaving on the finer split warp on the neck. My loom sett is 8epi, so the doubled sett is 16epi. I use doubled weft in the wider sett areas, and singles in the finer sett areas.

The face is still not extremely detailed, even on the finer sett - this is a tiny tapestry, after all! But it really doesn't take much detail to make a face look like a face (especially on a child,) and it is best to leave some detail for the viewer to fill in, anyway. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it! 

This is the woven tapestry, still on the little loom until I decide how I will finish it. It is 5x7 inches, sitting on the shelf in front of my filled Moleskine sketchbooks.

1 comment: said...

Wonderful step-by-step of this little piece (or should I say little "peace?"

Sketchbook Selfies

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