Thursday, October 22, 2020

October, with some Inktober...

This month is Inktober, and I started the month participating, knowing I wouldn't want to stress myself by forcing the prompts. I made it through the first couple of weeks, but decided after that I would rather sketch in my sketch journal, with my more meaningful content. Here are a few of the sketches I've done recently. You can see the others on my Instagram account.
In addition, I finished weaving this tiny portrait tapestry. It is 4x4 inches, and is actually still on the little loom, until I need the loom for something else.
In addition, I'm weaving when I can on the large tapestry, as well. About halfway through!

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Diary of a Frustrated Woman

I recently requested and am now reading this book from the library. I totally love the volume they got me! It has a copyright date of 1931, ...