Sunday, December 13, 2020

Shopping for Tapestry Books?

I know the season of giving is coming, but it is also the season of 'getting,' to some extent. If you don't know what to ask for, or if you choose to 'gift' yourself (as I have done,) there are three new tapestry books on the market that are worthy of your consideration. (Actually, there are a couple more new ones  that I haven't yet received - Are you listening, Santa?)

If you are a beginning tapestry weaver, or if you are wanting to learn the basics of tapestry weaving, look for Rebecca Mezoff's book,  The Art of Tapestry Weaving.  It builds techniques one on the other, like weft on weft, each clearly explained and shown in photos. As a self-taught weaver, this book would have been VERY welcome a number of years ago! It will be a classic text for those of you who are visual learners.

If you are a tapestry weaver, or are working in any art medium, and are wanting to consider how inspiration becomes a work of art, I highly recommend Tommye Scanlin's book, The Nature of Things. Tommye is inspired by Nature, as most artists are, but her journey from inspiration to art can apply to any artist's walk. The book is filled with images, not only of Tommye's beautiful tapestries, but of the photos and sketches that inspire the works. The essay-like discussions are like a personal visit with a professional artist who is very willing to share. I read this book from cover to cover, and I know I will read it again.

And finally, if you, like me, are missing going to exhibits of beautiful tapestries by many artists, Micala Sidore's book, The Art is the Cloth, is like going to a huge tapestry exhibit, that spans distance and time, with photos of over 300 tapestries from the 12th through the 21st century.  Micala was inspired to create the book as well as curating an exhibit of the same name. I had two tapestries in the exhibit (shown below) and the second small one is included in the book. (Both tapestries sold in the exhibit.) I pick this book up like 'inspirational dessert,' to treat myself when I feel the need for a treat. And who doesn't need to be treated this year?!

"Dama con Mangos"  24x36"

"Grace"  8x10"

As tapestry enthusiasts, we are very blessed by the contributions and inspirations these books can give us. Thank you so much, Rebecca, Tommye, and Micala for gifting us with your words, and your experience!


Lanigan said...

Wow! I just found your blog and I love your work! It does my soul good to see your creations and how you "weave in" all the other aspects of your life. I'm fairly new to fiber arts and just bought a tapestry loom, but sort of wanted a rigid heddle loom as I wasn't finding many inspiring pictures for tapestry weaving... Until your blog... We'll and medieval pictures. I've also been looking for books, so thank you! Wishing you much joy and comfort and creative inspiration.

K Spoering said...

I’m glad you visited the blog @Lanagan! I started my weaving life with a rigid heddle loom, and rapidly got frustrated with its limitations. Then I saw my first tapestry, and have loved weaving tapestries for over 40 years now, finding no limits to it at all, so far. Good luck, and more than anything else, enjoy it!

Diary of a Frustrated Woman

I recently requested and am now reading this book from the library. I totally love the volume they got me! It has a copyright date of 1931, ...