This was in our local paper a few days ago. I had not seen it and was a bit confused when neighbors told me they’d seen my name in the paper. I was really pleased to have a piece selected for this exhibit! The Handweavers Guild of America has posted images of the exhibit already on their Facebook page, if you’d like to see it. The exhibit begins in Washington state, and will travel for a year. My small tapestry that is to be included is below.
‘Peace’. 5x7 inches |
I was also notified this past week that my tapestry, ‘Graffiti,’ was chosen as best of show in an online, all media exhibit with the theme of Text in Art. The exhibit, Context, can be viewed at
In addition, this past week I finally got the ‘Yin/Yang’ tapestry ready to hang. This tapestry is of our two cats, Poe and Ringo. They have been our companions and family during the past year of isolation. We adopted them together, and they are best friends and best foes. They are, however, very different in temperament, Poe being an explorer and doer, and Ringo being his audience to see how things turn out, before joining Poe’s mischief. When they laid together on the living room rug, they reminded my of the yin/yang symbol, and that in turn seemed to define their relationship and personalities. Right now, the tapestry is hanging in our dining room, and they have both given it various signs of approval.