Friday, May 14, 2021

Birth of a Tapestry!

 Poe, who has to be involved November, 2020

Just before the Pandemic began, we adopted two kittens. Throughout the shutdowns and isolations, they have been our constant companions. They are very sociable, with each other and with us. Poe, especially, follows one of us constantly, and wants to 'help' as much as he can. So a cat perch had to be moved into the studio, to keep Poe from using the loom as his gym equipment. The tapestry on the loom here is of the two cats; constant companions of each other, yet very different in personalities. 

  Ringo, who is content to observe

 Close to the end!  March, 2021

  Cutting Off!  April 16, 2021

After the tapestry was cut from the loom, with a private 'Cutting Off' celebration, including only myself, Poe and Ringo, the finishing work had to begin. With my supervisor close by, I cut all the long weft ends down to about 1 inch, then blocked it (see for my blocking process.) 


A Celebration is in order!

At this point, the tapestry is pinned out, and covered, on the dining table. I'll begin the lining and prepping to hang process today. The two subjects of the tapestry are very drawn to it, as they have been my studio assistants through the entire process. They are, however, actively discouraged from claiming it as their own!

Discouragement not always successful

With my loom empty, I am continuing to sketch almost daily. Here is yesterday's quick little sketchbook page, a watercolor sketch of some lovely flowers from my husband for our anniversary. If you get the ATA news magazine, Tapestry Topics, you may have read my article about how important daily creativity is to me, especially in difficult times.

As always, thank you for visiting me here!


Mary said...

I went to the Australian Tapestry Workshop today and saw a work of yours! Is it this one?
I thought, I know that name! Then I realised I know it through your blog.
Congratulations! It is lovely. And you are in great company - all the tapestries are wonderful.
I have seen the tapestries online but to see them in reality was wonderful.

K Spoering said...

The one in Australia is a small one of the two cats. This one is much larger. I'm glad you got to see it, and all the great little pieces there! It is coming home soon.

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