Thursday, November 17, 2022

Long time away, not much happened….


I have mostly been busy doing family ‘maintenance’ for the past months. But I did manage to recently rewarp the Shannock, as I felt a strong need to weave. I listen to those strong urges, because to ignore them results in more stress than I can handle!

My favorite season is passing rapidly. This view at our cabin is already snow covered. It has been one of the prettiest falls here; maybe because we needed the beauty so badly after the past hard years!

I have finished a few small tapestries, and several have been sent out on exhibit. 

This tiny tapestry will be in the ‘Teeny, Tiny, Bold’ exhibit, opening soon at the Rountree Gallery in Platteville, WI. The exhibit runs through February 4, and is a part of Artist’s Sunday, on November 27, and a reception on December 2, from 4-7 pm. I would totally love to be there, but ‘family maintenance’ here will probably not allow it. If you happen to be in the area, send me a photo, ok?

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Little Things….

Sometimes life throws a lot of Big Things at you, and it seems like doing anything at all is beyond you. That is when you need to do little things. I have been doing little things for awhile now, and they are keeping me sane. (I do not use that phrase lightly.)

The tapestry of the Queen of England, above, is a very little thing! It is postcard size, about 5x7". It was woven for the ATA postcard exchange, and sent to England last summer. I share a birthday with the queen, and was, in fact, born in the year (on her April birthday) that she became queen. So I loved making a tapestry of her in our Platinum Jubilee year!

This tapestry is a tiny bit larger, about 7x9". It is called 'Things That Go Bump in the Night' and was just sent off to the Tiny But Mighty exhibit, hosted by ATA in Knoxville, TN this summer. This was a bit of fun to both design and weave!

The little tapestry above is still on the loom. It is about 5x7" and was woven for Mother's Day, as I remembered my Mom, who is no longer here to give flowers to.

The sketch is from my sketchbook. I have been feeling uninspired and out of ideas, even small ones, for awhile now. But I did the little sketch from a vintage photo, then decided to warp up my tiny loom and weave it. It will be a little thing, too, at about 7x8".

When Life gets a bit too big.... I reach for my little looms. What else would a weaver do?

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Some Study, Some Experimentation...Some Fun!

Telly at Stonehurst

Eight or so years ago, I painted regularly, as I was in a gallery and needed to keep my space filled. I sold fairly well, which was also motivating. After leaving the gallery (which was intended to be a short leave) I quit painting. Recently I decided to re-educate myself a bit, by going through my large library of art books, and gleaning what I can from them, and then I will donate the books to the local Art Center.

I began with a book about painting like the Impressionists (I have an early version of this book.) The first example/challenge was to paint a landscape like Monet. I chose to paint from a photo I had taken of one of my 'grand dogs' on a walk in New England. I know painting from a photo is NOT like Monet would have done, but I decided to adapt to my own circumstances. This is oil on canvas, and it was a challenge! I don't know that it is Monet-like, but I did use his palette and attempted to use brushstrokes as he did in his landscapes .

The Cabin in Winter

The second challenge was to paint a snow scene in the style of one of the lesser known Impressionists, but one I have always liked very much, Sisley. This was painted (again from one of my photos) of our cabin in the winter. It was in my landscape sketchbook, which has heavy watercolor paper. I painted it in gouache, painted as if with oils. Again, I replicated Sisley's palette as closely as I could.

New England Boats

The third challenge was to paint a boat scene in the style of Renoir, who didn't consider himself an Impressionist, but who occasionally painted in an impressionistic style. I again did this in my sketchbook with acrylics, using Renoir's palette, and doing it in several sessions, as he would have done. I used the palette Renoir used in a similar scene and used a photo I had taken in New England for my source. The photo had very different colors, but I decided to just go with Renoir.

Apple Still Life

The most recent experiment/challenge was to paint a still life in the style of Cezanne. This is acrylic on canvas, again using Cezanne's palette as closely as I could, and painting it in one session.

Doing these paintings/sketches in different styles, with different painting 'attitudes' has been challenging, rewarding, and flat out fun! I have loved having a loaded paint brush in my hand again. I don't necessarily view any of these as 'successful,' either as style-copies of these masters, or as paintings in and of themselves. But what I have learned from doing them is invaluable: it is that I love learning and trying new challenging things, and that I love painting, especially with oils. So I intend to continue this study, and perhaps find that I will discover my own way of making brush strokes, and that some of what I create may even find it's way into the medium I love most, handwoven tapestry. After all, that is why I began painting in the first place, to design for my tapestries.

Sunday, January 30, 2022

The Tapestry Arch tapestry...

The Tapestry Arch

Just a year ago, in February of 2021, my husband and I drove to the Arches National Monument, a few hours away from us, in Utah. We have been to the Arches a number of times, over the years, but had never taken the hike back to the Tapestry Arch, because it was either too hot or too populated (usually both) when we were there before. This time it was not hot, and, due to the pandemic, we were the only ones on the trail.

A tapestry weaver, at the Tapestry Arch!

Watercolor sketches I did at the Park that day

As a tapestry artist, I was really excited to see the Tapestry Arch! A number of years ago, I did a series of small tapestries of some of the National Parks we had been to, including one of The Arches, but, since this was the Tapestry Arch, I decided to do a larger tapestry of it.

I created a maquette from the photo and made a cartoon

Weaving the foreground sandstone

The Arch is woven and sky yarn blends are selected

Weaving clouds and sky

Off the loom, and resting (both tapestry and weaver!)

The Tapestry Arch tapestry is woven, and off the loom (though it is clamped to the loom so I can see it.) Some of the finishing work is done, but the final blocking, lining, and making the hanging device are yet to be done, plus getting some good photos! As you may have noticed, the photos here were taken at different times of day in my studio; some on sunny days and some on cloudy days. So the color is not consistent or accurate in the images.

I have documented this tapestry as it progressed on Instagram, but decided to put it here, as a completed work. I have begun a small tapestry already, as I find being at the loom is a necessary part of how I cope with the stresses life is throwing my way. I hope you have a creative practice that keeps you hopeful, as well!


Sketchbook Selfies

  I completed a sketchbook today, and began a new one. My tradition is to both end and begin a sketchbook with a self portrait. It is my way...