Sunday, January 30, 2022

The Tapestry Arch tapestry...

The Tapestry Arch

Just a year ago, in February of 2021, my husband and I drove to the Arches National Monument, a few hours away from us, in Utah. We have been to the Arches a number of times, over the years, but had never taken the hike back to the Tapestry Arch, because it was either too hot or too populated (usually both) when we were there before. This time it was not hot, and, due to the pandemic, we were the only ones on the trail.

A tapestry weaver, at the Tapestry Arch!

Watercolor sketches I did at the Park that day

As a tapestry artist, I was really excited to see the Tapestry Arch! A number of years ago, I did a series of small tapestries of some of the National Parks we had been to, including one of The Arches, but, since this was the Tapestry Arch, I decided to do a larger tapestry of it.

I created a maquette from the photo and made a cartoon

Weaving the foreground sandstone

The Arch is woven and sky yarn blends are selected

Weaving clouds and sky

Off the loom, and resting (both tapestry and weaver!)

The Tapestry Arch tapestry is woven, and off the loom (though it is clamped to the loom so I can see it.) Some of the finishing work is done, but the final blocking, lining, and making the hanging device are yet to be done, plus getting some good photos! As you may have noticed, the photos here were taken at different times of day in my studio; some on sunny days and some on cloudy days. So the color is not consistent or accurate in the images.

I have documented this tapestry as it progressed on Instagram, but decided to put it here, as a completed work. I have begun a small tapestry already, as I find being at the loom is a necessary part of how I cope with the stresses life is throwing my way. I hope you have a creative practice that keeps you hopeful, as well!



tommye said...

Beautiful tapestry!! Thanks for documenting its inspiration and progress… so nice to see all of that together. Congratulations on creating another wonderful tapestry.

Mary said...

Beautiful tapestry. So detailed. I am being lazy here, I could look it up but ... why is is called tapestry arch?

Bishop Stone said...

I really love to see your progress from first picture all the way through. Fantastic

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