Friday, January 18, 2008

My handyman is very handy, but..

I swear there are days when I could also use a house elf! Today is one of them. My handyman (aka, my dear husband) had dental surgery this morning, but he is still busy making me frames and tapestry hanging boards to my specifications. And I am trying to do as much of my busy-work as possible upstairs in the studio, as it's at least 10 degrees warmer there than on the main floor of the house below. It is stinkin' cold here! I know that 'stinkin cold' has to be a meteorological technical classification here now, as it's been below zero the past few nights and not a great deal above that in the days. The cat has not been helpful to me at all, as he just stays huddled next to the radiator.

Anyway, I'm progressing nicely towards the two February exhibits. I have all the painting done that I'm doing before then, the photos printed, and the tapestries woven. So I'm busy lining, framing, and readying everything to hang. I'm painting and varnishing hanging boards and frames, as I've decided I want all my paintings and photos framed in simple black frames. I have finished making and sewing on the label to the back of the Fall tapestry (I label them each by printing the title information and my signature on canvas, which is then sewn to the lining.) Busy work, busy work.

On another topic, suddenly I'm seeing faces looking at me everywhere. Is is paranoia? They are at least smiling at me. I see them in my dirty dishes waiting to washed...

I see them in the storage closet when I open it to store holiday stuff.

Maybe there really ARE elves, and they hide when I'm looking (though not always very well,) then come out at night like the shoemaker's elves. Well, maybe I'll leave a ToDo list in a conspicuous place tonight and see what happens. Probably they come out to work, and Possum stops them. He does sometimes have that evil smirk on his face in the morning, like he's saying, "You'll never guess what I've done!"

Oh dear, perhaps I have inhaled too much varnish today.


Glynn said...


I simply must have the name of C's surgeon.

Logan's comment "He's still not smiling."

Glynn and Logan

Anonymous said...

It's when the faces start talking to you that you should worry.

Anonymous said...

Actually, scratch that. I just looked at the picture you photoshopped of dad, and I think maybe now is the time to worry...

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

Incase it is of any interest to you, I found a website that are selling plain labels at a really low price. If you are at all interested it might be worth taking a look at their site.

K Spoering said...

Thanks, but I use fabric labels, and I need so few, and need them to each be different, so it's pretty easy to print canvas or silk ones from my computer. It looked like all of those were paper.

Diary of a Frustrated Woman

I recently requested and am now reading this book from the library. I totally love the volume they got me! It has a copyright date of 1931, ...