Friday, January 11, 2008

Sewing slits and keeping warm...

NOTE: If you've come here from Mason-Dixon Knitting, go here.

I have spent all of this week sewing the slits on the Fall tapestry, and staying inside, for the most part. Wednesday evening church was even canceled, due to snow and ice, this week! That rarely happens here. I actually can't remember the last time snow kept us from doing anything here in the desert. But this year, we have had snow on the ground since right after Thanksgiving. Not a lot of snow, but it just keeps coming. Wednesday, we had 3-4 inches. It was lovely. A good day to stay in and sew slits.

This is what the back of the tapestry looks like:

It's laid out on the dining room table, face down. I've trimmed most of the yarn ends down to an inch long. I should have all slits sewn together by the end of the day, and will be ready to block it; let it lie for the weekend, then will line it next week. The finishing process for a tapestry is not quick and easy - but then, no process is quick and easy where a hand woven tapestry is concerned.

Possum has taken to staying on his perch in front of the sitting room window. Actually, it's not so much the window and the view that attract him now; it's the warm radiator! When it's on, it makes his old bones toasty. Just like he likes them!

I have also finished this oil painting for the "Cups &..." exhibit. It is 16x20", and titled "Barista." (I'm still having a hard time getting good digital images of the paintings.)


Tommye McClure Scanlin said...

Hi Kathy,
Thanks for showing the slit-sewing (say that 10 times fast...almost as good as "I'm a sheet slitter, I slit sheets....")

I love your new painting! I wish I could see your exhibit...will you be posting shots of the installation. I hope so!

Keep warm,

Mary Lane said...


Now I see why you have been sewing slits all week. These pieces are bigger than I had imagined. Of course, Connections is also filling up your days.

I really like the snow on the windowsills in the tapestry at the top of your blog. It is such a great example of how a byproduct of the weaving, in this case the highs and lows, can be used to represent, or suggest, something real - like the irregular pile up of snow on a windowsill.


Diary of a Frustrated Woman

I recently requested and am now reading this book from the library. I totally love the volume they got me! It has a copyright date of 1931, ...