Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Grandma Mabel's memorial recipe box contest:

Well, I couldn't pass this one up! Since my previously mentioned Grandma Maisie's real name was Mabel, and since I have her recipe box, how could I resist? So I am responding to the Mason-Dixon challenge by posting my own Grandma Mabel's recipe box, and another of her recipes.

First I have to say that my Grandma Maisie was not actually 'known for' her cooking. Actually, I don't know that she was 'known for' anything, as she lived a very quiet life; one that I frequently envy. However, she did make a few dishes that everyone wanted the recipe for. One was her fudge, which I've already posted. Another was her oven-fried chicken; buttery, artery clogging deliciousness. But her most clamored after recipe was for her coconut cream pie. In fact, just typing the name of it has made my mouth water! It's the kind of pie I could sit down and eat the whole of in one sitting. Once when I made it, I came out the next morning to find my two young sons sitting on top of the kitchen counter, eating it with their hands. I wasn't even angry with them over it - it seemed like such a reasonable thing to do. I was just a bit peeved that they hadn't left me any! I make it when I need real comfort food. Or something tasty that everyone will absolutely love.
(click on recipe to enlarge)

My Grandma is the fourth from the left in this "Watermelon Girls" tapestry. She's the one in the apron. She always had an apron on, even just to read the newspaper. In addition to her recipe box, I also count among my treasures several of her quite worn aprons.

And since this post may bring a few knitters to visit, I'll post a photo of the coat I knit my grand-daughter for Christmas. I don't seem to have taken a photo of the one I did my grandson - will have to try to catch him in it later. This coat is an adaptation of a robe pattern from Lucinda Guy's And So to Bed book.

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Diary of a Frustrated Woman

I recently requested and am now reading this book from the library. I totally love the volume they got me! It has a copyright date of 1931, ...