Last week I took the Amtrak California Zephyr to Denver to visit the kids; tomorrow I am taking the Zephyr in the other direction, to visit my parents in California. It is a 24 hour train ride. I will sit, and knit, sketch and read, and rest a bit. Then I'll enjoy a week with my folks, and my sister and her family, who live nearby.
I see this morning that Brenda has tagged me, but I'm afraid I'll have to put that off until I return, as I'm still doing laundry, haven't packed yet, and have a dentist appointment in a couple of hours. So, I promise to be tagged when I get home. Can I "be IT" that long?
I hope you all have a lovely week. I shall be "goin' round the mountain", and then "comin' [back] round the mountain," and I expect I'll have plenty to say to Brenda's tag when I return!
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