Thursday, February 14, 2008

Love notes... (& an anniversary)

This is one of the most romantic things I have ever seen. I found it in the bottom of my Grandma Maisie's sewing basket, after it came into my possession. This is the Grandma of the Recipe box, and of "Watermelon Girls." It is written by my Grandpa, who is the barber of "Barbershop Buzz."

After Grandpa's barbershop was destroyed in a tornado, he took a job for a bit as a meter reader. He would get up early and leave Grandma still in bed. But, before he left, he wrote these little love notes to her on the back of a full-page grocery store ad, folded in quarters. This was in 1968, so Grandpa was 68 years old, and Grandma was a year or two younger.

Anyway, sharing this treasure is my Valentine to you.

Today is the one-year anniversary of my having this blog. I want to thank ALL of you who have visited me here: From Brazil, Slovinia, Singapore, and Taiwan. From the Netherlands and Hungary and South Korea. From 40 of the 50 United States. From France, Australia, Canada, Jamaica, Barbados, Turkey and all points beyond! I do not know what brought you here, but Welcome! I have especially been thankful to those of you who have paused in your visit to make a comment. Your voices in my life have brightened my day, each and every one of them! Thank you. And, by the way, will you be my Valentine?


Meabh Warburton said...

How extraordinary and what a petal he must have been! Carefully noting the temperature tickles me!
Happy Anniversary! I always enjoy visiting and seeing what you're up to.

Tommye McClure Scanlin said...

Happy Valentine's Day to you, Kathy! Congratulations on the anniversary and thank you so much for sharing the sweet thoughts of your Grandpa to you Grandma Maisie!

Debbie Herd said...

Happy Anniversary Kathy. I have enjoyed reading your post about the highs and lows of life as an artist. I hope that you enjoyed spending Valentine's day with someone special. Debbie.

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