Well. I've gone several weeks now since I finished the "Wooster" tapestry. I had decided that I have too many other things to do, and no exhibit deadlines ahead, so I would take a bit of a break from the loom. But this photo that I took a few weeks ago keeps hollering at me that it needs to be a small-ish tapestry. So, this morning I am going to enlarge it to a cartoon, then will tie the leftover warp back on to the front beam, and will work on this tapestry at a 'reasonable, non-deadline' pace. Wonder what THAT will be like?
This tapestry will be about 18"x18". I think it will be called "February," and it may be the first in a series of similarly sized pieces in a months-of-the-year series. I like working in series, but 12 of them? We'll see. It will need to be woven sideways, I'm thinking.
This photo SO captured how I felt for the whole month of February this year.
Thank you for your comment last week...it was hard.
But this photo is beautiful and it absolutely speaks February. I am inspired by your creativity, thank you for sharing the process.
.....ooops--here I go again.....
now why, I am thinking, will your decision be made to weave sideways...maybe because you see the tree trunks elongated and hatched--whereas the branches are shorter and more horizontal.....maybe you see the bird as more elongated in its shadows...then I try to see it woven straight up and how that would look.....I so appreciate your blog in its helpfulness to tapestry weavers....from Janet in the Northeast
Janet, I admit I could weave this either way, but when I turn it sideways, there are more horizontals and diagonals. When I leave it the way it is, there are more verticals and diagonals. So, while I usually prefer to weave an image from the bottom, up, instead of from one side, up, in this case, I just think the tree trunks and the bird will look smoother (and weave easier) if I turn the cartoon. It really could work either way, though. I turned the photo a number of times, trying to talk myself into NOT turning the cartoon, but I know the weaving will flow better when turned. I like to weave with 'flow,' not against it!
Your comment on Kinkade made me laugh! I'm glad to have found your blog. I am really interested in tapestries but I've never met anyone who actually designed and wove them. I will be a regular visitor!
Have a great weekend,
Hi Kathy,
Your photo has a wonderful Zen feeling about it. I look forward to seeing the tapestry. Debbie.
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