Monday, March 10, 2008

the walrus says...

Yes, the time has come. I can't put it off any longer - well, maybe 20 minutes or so, while I post this.
One of my few New Years resolutions this year was to clean out all of the closets and storage spaces in the house. I did one in January and one in February, but I have been planning the worst space of all for this month... the dreaded studio closet. Those of you have been around awhile may remember that last May, before our home was on the Historic Homes tour, I crammed every unsightly thing into the closet. It has been multiplying in there somehow since that time. Even I have avoided THE CLOSET, and have actually purchased new stuff to avoid going in and finding the old stashes.
No longer. This morning, I carefully opened the door (stepping back from it quickly, just in case) and began pulling the STUFF out. It's beginning to fill up the studio floor in 'what-shall-I-do-with-this?' piles. Mind you, I haven't even pulled out the first layer yet!

When it's all empty and properly sorted (in my next life?) I believe I will beg my husband to re-do the shelves in there. It's a small closet, but there MUST be a way to make it into a better, more usable storage space!

In one of the piles, I found a copy of this poem that I had saved. It's by Robert Service. I had at one time planned to paint this above the windows. Maybe after the closet re-do, if I have any strength at all left. Here is an excerpt;

My Garret

...Here's where I deal in dreams and ply in fancies,
Here is the wonder-shop of all my wares,
...Here's where I challenge Fate...
And grope at glory...
Here is my Palace tapestried with dreams.

Isn't that wonderful?

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Diary of a Frustrated Woman

I recently requested and am now reading this book from the library. I totally love the volume they got me! It has a copyright date of 1931, ...