Friday, May 28, 2010

Illustration Friday: Slither

I have not finished the little rose painting, but I will post it when it's done. I've been busy playing with my grandchildren!

I decided to post this tapestry for the IF topic of 'Slither' today, though, because this is a handwoven tapestry that almost nobody has ever seen! It is one of the first tapestries I did, in 1985. Back then, in my beginning days of weaving tapestries, I was learning the techniques on my own from Peter Collingwood's rug book. So each tapestry was aimed at learning a new technique, rather than at weaving a complex or artistic design. This tapestry was for me to learn to use hatching to create shadows, and I think I did a pretty good job of it for my first try, tho' I didn't shadow much of anything but the large shadow shape behind the figure.

The subject of the tapestry is my son and one of the many snakes he would bring home when that age. In 1985, he would have been 8 years old. He is here now, with his twins, who will turn 4 while here. That's how long ago this tapestry was done! So far, his son has not brought home any snakes. Maybe they'll catch one while here, though I think they're not yet inclined to pick one up and take it home. (We have no poisonous snakes here.)

Anyway, I thought this early tapestry would be a fun thing to share with you! Have a good Memorial Day weekend, fellow Americans, and a good weekend of whatever sort to all other visitors! We will be watching a lot of baseball at the Junior College World Series, making and eating home-made ice cream with strawberries from the garden, and playing a good bit of hide and seek.


Valerie said...

What a great story to go with a neat piece of tapestry! Thanks for sharing. Have a great holiday.

Amanda Baeza said...


Diary of a Frustrated Woman

I recently requested and am now reading this book from the library. I totally love the volume they got me! It has a copyright date of 1931, ...