Monday, May 24, 2010

Work in progress...

I have LOTS to do today, but am having a hard time getting to it. I am having my first cup of coffee, and am hoping that, although decaf, it will help me get moving. I have mentioned before that I have been dealing with a chronic headache for the past 2 1/2 years (almost to the day) which began when I banged my head on the car door while getting out. The headache is worst at night, and I often get very little quality (or quantity) sleep. Such was the case last night.

So, anyway, I was just having my coffee and doing my daily Sudoku. Then I was going to put the computer to sleep and get busy with my day, as I will have family trickling in all week, beginning tomorrow, and I have lots to do to get ready. But I thought, as I went to the pull-down menu on my computer to select 'sleep,' how lovely it would be if we had such a thing! Just imagine - select 'sleep,' and my screen could go blank and I would sleep until I am needed again! I might have to make that into a visualization... not that those things work very often to put me to sleep with a headache, but it's worth a try!

The photos here are the first two stages of a little painting that I am working on. It is of the first rose from my garden in my favorite Fiesta tea cup. The first stage, blocking in color areas, took about five minutes, if that. I don't do any pre-drawing on a little painting like this, but just jump into this first stage, finding shapes with the paint and brush. Stage two took about 20 minutes, as I began to develop some details. There is about another 20-40 minutes of work to do to complete the painting. I need to correct some perspective and shape details on the cup and the rose. Then I will need to decide what to do with the background. In the set-up, the cup is on a crocheted doily, but I may decide that will be too 'fussy' and distracting. The painting is only 6x6 inches, after all.

I will show you the completed painting when it is finished. I may work on it during housekeeping breaks today, if I am getting my work done efficiently enough to take breaks. Otherwise, it may be awhile before I get to it, as I will be playing with my grandchildren for the next week or two!

OK. NOW it's time to hit sleep (on the computer, at least.)

1 comment:

Tommye McClure Scanlin said...

Lovely rose underway, Kathy. So sorry about the headaches and lack of sleep. Loosing sleep can be very draining, I know.
I'll be very interested to see the finished rose--although i think it's quite nice, as is!

Sketchbook Selfies

  I completed a sketchbook today, and began a new one. My tradition is to both end and begin a sketchbook with a self portrait. It is my way...