Friday, October 29, 2010

Illustration Friday topic: Spent

Even though I posted this tapestry before when it was 'hot off the loom,' when I saw the IF topic today is Spent, I just had to re-post it. It actually pretty much defines how I'm feeling today, too. I just got home from a quick, worried trip over the mountains and back; I'm still concerned about my grand-daughter, who is having some follow up surgical procedures done this morning; and I got about 3 hours sleep, if that, last night because I have a ridiculous ear ache. I am Totally Spent! Passion, energy, and all. It is quite hard to be creative when you feel all used up. But November is but hours away, and I need to get into the studio and get all my small pieces ready to go to the Blue Pig Gallery in Palisade for the small works show/sale, which is through November and December there.


Valerie said...

Love that tapestry! Certainly fits the topic and your mood right now.

Thanks for sharing it. I missed it the first time.

Vilt og vakkert said...

Well done, a hard work- so take some time off...after Blue Pig Gallery....
Have a nice time , anyhow ;:OD)

Amber said...

I didn't realize your grand-daughter was having health issues! So sorry and I hope she is completely recovered soon. Love and prayers.

K Spoering said...

Amber, she had an emergency appendectomy, then some follow up drainage of several abcesses that formed. She went home today and will be on IV antibiotics for awhile. She's doing well now, but I do appreciate your prayers on her behalf. I seem to have acquired a double ear infection and a sinus infection while there, and traveling back over the mountains made it worse. But I'm on treatment, too, so we're all on the mend now! I too appreciate your love and prayers!

Mary said...

Sorry to hear about your hard times. I hope things improve for you in the new month.

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