Monday, October 18, 2010

Quince Jam-ly!

This is a quince. They grow on bushes; mostly in the yards of old houses, as they just aren't planted much anymore here in the US. We have a quince bush, and several neighbors have them, but they have no interest in the fruit. So they let me have it.

There are a lot of reasons quince have gone 'out-of-style.' They are very tart: they taste like a citrus fruit. Also, they are very hard, and mine are not very big. So it takes a lot of determination to get a bag full of small fruits chopped up to cook down to juice.

I found the recipe I used on Past years, I have made a quince jam. This year I decided to do a jelly, but I did let a bit of the cooked down pulp go through the 2-sieve system I used into the juice. I like there to be a bit of fruit in my spread, which is why I generally prefer jam to jelly. The quince juice turns pink as you cook it down.

Four hours later, I ended up with 7 small jars of what I will be calling 'Jam-ly,' as it is not quite a jam, but is most like a jelly. I tried a bit on toast. This is not only the best Quince-anything I have ever made or had, but I think it's the best spread of any kind I have made or had! Oh my goodness! I may hide and hoard this for myself!


Cally said...

We tried our first quinces this year from my mother's garden. There weren't that many of them so we used them up in a "day of quinces": roast quince & rosemary with venison, followed by apple & quince crumble. The crumble was a big hit, the savoury effort not so much. Sounds like we need to try jam-ly next year...

Jan said...

Sounds delicious, and looks so pretty. Maybe my Quince bush will make fruit sometime, it's only a few years old....

Diary of a Frustrated Woman

I recently requested and am now reading this book from the library. I totally love the volume they got me! It has a copyright date of 1931, ...